
Methodological articles about the Alberta Context Tool

Validating the Alberta Context Tool in a multi-site Australian Emergency Department nurse population

Schadewaldt V, McElduff B, D’Este C, McInnes E, Dale S, Gunaratne A, Squires JE, Cadilhac DA, Middleton S

PLoS One, 14(4):e0215153


Reliability and Validity of the Alberta Context Tool (ACT) with Professional Nurses: Findings from a Multi-Study Analysis

Squires JE, Hayduk L, Hutchinson AM, Mallick R, Norton PG, Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA 

PLoS One, 10(6): e0127405


Linguistic validation of the Alberta Context Tool and two measures of research use, for German residential long term care

Hoben M, Bär M, Mahler C, Berger S, Squires JE, Estabrooks CA, Kruse A, Behrens J

BMC Research Notes, 7:67


German ACT

German translation of the Alberta context tool and two measures of research use: methods, challenges and lessons learned

Hoben M, Mahler C, Bär M, Berger S, Squires J, Estabrooks C, Behrens J

BMC Health Services Research, 13:478


German ACT

Translating and testing the Alberta Context Tool for use among nurses in Swedish elder care

Eldh A, Ehrenberg A, Squires J, Estabrooks C, Wallin L

BMC Health Services Research, 13:68


Swedish ACT

Staff, space, and time as dimensions of organizational slack: A psychometric assessment

Mallidou AA, Cummings GG, Ginsburg LR, Chuang YT, Kang S, Norton P G, Estabrooks CA

Health Care Management Review, 36(3), 252-264


Org Slack

Assessment of variation in the Alberta Context Tool: The contribution of unit level contextual factors and practice specialty in Canadian pediatric acute care settings

Estabrooks CA, Squires JE, Hutchinson AM, Scott S, Cummings GC, Kang SH, Midodzi W, Stevens B

BMC Health Services Research, 11:251


Advancing the argument for validity of the Alberta Context Tool with healthcare aides in residential long-term care

Estabrooks CA, Squires JE, Hayduk LA, Cummings GG, Norton PG

BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11:107


Development and assessment of the Alberta Context Tool

Estabrooks CA, Squires JE, Cummings GG, Birdsell JM, Norton PG

BMC Health Services Research, 9:234


Studies and publications using the Alberta Context Tool

Factors affecting job satisfaction in long‐term care unit managers, directors of care and facility administrators: A secondary analysis

Aloisio LD, Gifford WA, McGilton KS, Lalonde M, Estabrooks CA, Squires JE

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association


Factors associated with nurses' job satisfaction in residential long-term care: The importance of organizational context 

Aloisio LD, Baumbusch J, Estabrooks CA, Boström A-M, Chamberlain S, Cummings GG, Thompson G, Squires JE

Journal of Nursing Management


A multisite health system survey to assess organizational context to support evidence‐based practice 

Pittman J, Cohee A, Storey S, LaMothe J, Gilbert J, Bakoyannis G, Ofner S, Newhouse R

Worldviews on Evidence Based Nursing


Predictors of nurses' research use in Canadian long-term care homes 

Demery Varin MG, Stacey D, Baumbusch JL, Estabrooks CA, Squires JE

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association


Hospital organizational context and delivery of evidence-based stroke care: a cross-sectional study 

Andrew NE, Middleton S, Grimley R, Anderson CS, Donnan GA, Lannin NA, Stroil-Salama E, Grabsch B, Kilkenny MF, Squires JE, Cadilhac DA, Stroke123 Investigators

Implementation Science, 14:6


Promoting Nurse Retention Through Career Development Planning 

Tucker S, Gallagher-Ford L, Baker M, Vottero B

American Journal of Nursing, 119(6), 62-66


Fusion validity: Theory-based scale assessment via causal structural equation Modeling 

Hayduk LA, Estabrooks CA, Hoben M

Frontiers in Psychology


Implementation of pediatric early warning score; Adherence to guidelines and influence of context

Almbald A-C, Siltberg P, Engvall G, Målqvist M

Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 38, 33-39


The influence of context on utilizing research evidence for pain management in Jordanian pediatric intensive care units (PICU)

Ismail A, Squires JE, Forgeron P, Polomeno V, Gharaibeh H, Harrison D

Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 38, e39-e46


Influence of organizational context on nursing home staff burnout: A cross-sectional survey of care aides in western Canada

Chamberlain S, Gruneir A, Hoben M, Squires JE, Cummings GG, Estabrooks CA

International Journal of Nursing Studies, 71, 60-69



A randomized controlled study of practice facilitation to improve the provision of medication management services in Alberta community pharmacies

Houle SK, Charrois TL, Faruquee CF, Tsuyuki RT, Rosenthal MM

Research in Social and Administration Pharmacy, 13:339-348.


Supporting first-line managers in implementing oral care guidelines in nursing homes 

Eldh AC, Olai L, Jönsson B, Wallin L, Denti L, Elf M

Nordic Journal of Nursing Research, 38(2), 87–95.


Individual and organizational predictors of health care aide job satisfaction

Chamberlain S, Hoben M, Squires JE, Estabrooks CA

BMC Health Services Research, 16:577


Job Sat

Making research results relevant and useable: Presenting complex organizational context data to non-research stakeholders in the nursing home setting

Estabrooks CA, Knopp-Sihota JA, Cummings GG, Norton PG

Worldviews on Evidenced-based Nursing, 13(4), 270–276



Effects of computer reminders on complications of peripheral venous catheters and nurses’ adherence to a guideline in paediatric care—a cluster randomised study

Förberg U, Unbeck M, Wallin L, Eva Johansson E, Petzold M, Ygge B-M, Ehrenberg A

Implementation Science, 11:10.


Mobility of vulnerable elders study: Effect of the sit-to-stand activity on mobility, function, and quality of life

Slaughter SE, Wagg AS, Jones CA, Schopflocher D, Ickert C, Bampton E, Jantz A, Milke D, Schalm C, Lycar C, Estabrooks CA

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(2), 138-143


Factors associated with rushed and missed resident care in western Canadian nursing homes: A cross sectional survey of healthcare aides

Knopp-Sihota JA, Niehaus L, Squires JE, Norton PG, Estabrooks CA

Journal of Clinical Nursing, 24(19-20), 2815-2825


Org Slack - Time

Dying in a nursing home: Treatable symptom burden and its link to modifiable features of work context

Estabrooks CA, Hoben M, Poss JW, Chamberlain SA, Thompson GN, Silvius JL, Norton PG.

Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 16(6), 515-520



Relationship Between Work Context and Adherence to a Clinical Practice Guideline for Peripheral Venous Catheters Among Registered Nurses in Pediatric Care

Förberg U, Wallin L, Johansson E, Ygge BM, Backheden M, Ehrenberg A

Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 11(4), 227-239


Implementing the best available evidence in early delirium identification in elderly hip surgery patients

Russell-Babin KA, Miley H

International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare, 11(1), 39-45


FIRE (facilitating implementation of research evidence): A study protocol

Seers K, Cox K, Crichton NJ, Edwards RT, Eldh AC, Estabrooks CA, et al.

Implementation Science, 7:25


Understanding implementation processes of clinical pathways and clinical practice guidelines in pediatric contexts: A study protocol

Scott SD, Grimshaw J, Klassen TP, Nettel-Aguirre A, Johnson DW

Implementation Science, 6:133.


The relationship between characteristics of context and research utilization in a pediatric setting

Cummings GG, Hutchinson AM, Scott SD, Norton PG, Estabrooks CA

BMC Health Services Research, 10:168


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