What We Do

How we are changing the story in long term care


Advancing Affordable Quality of Care

We are empowering front line care providers, who provide the majority of the direct care in nursing homes, to lead changes.


Supporting Evidence-Informed Policy

Our data on work environment, staffing and services, use of best healthcare practices, and staff health and well-being, is valuable in setting policy.

Accelerating Spread of Quality Care

Accelerating Spread of Quality Care

We are studying the best ways to spread innovation in the long-term care sector. One way is to engage the people who are asked for advice by others.

Improving Workforce Health & Well-being

Improving Workforce Health & Well-being

We measure staff job satisfaction, work engagement, burnout, physical and mental health, and monitor them over time to see how these and other indicators change.

Improving Work Environmentpng

Improving Work Environment

We are developing strategies to effectively tailor and feed back research data to long-term care homes, using goal-directed approaches.


Engaging with Citizens to Create Change

Our research agenda is shaped by persons living with dementia and family or friend caregivers of residents in long-term care settings.

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