
Photo of Oludotun AkinlawonOffline
March 1, 2024

Changes coming to Microsoft 365 storage

Oludotun AkinlawonOther News
Photo of Oludotun AkinlawonOffline
February 26, 2024

Citrix Remote User Access Issue

Oludotun AkinlawonOther News


2024/02/23 09:15 - Work has been completed on restoring the server and Nursing Virtual Desktop computers are now available for use. IST Support teams will continue to monitor services for any further issues. We thank you for you patience and understanding as we worked through this service outage.


2024/02/21 11:15 - Work continues on restoring services, unfortunately there is still no estimate on when services will be fully restored. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

As IST Support agents continue to work on restoring services on the server, there will be automatic, forced reboots of all Nursing workstations, laptops, and virtual desktops commencing at 6:30 PM today.


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