Health System Impact Fellowship for Doctoral Trainees and Post-Doctoral Fellows
A funding opportunity offered by: CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR), with collaboration from the Institute of Aging (IA), Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH), the Institute of Infection and Immunity (III), the Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes (INMD), the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction (INMHA), the Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH), and the Healthy Cities Research Initiative (HCRI), in partnership with the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR), Fonds de recherche du Québec –Santé (FRQS), and Mitacs.
Information Webinar: January 15, 2020 (details below)
Application deadline: April 1, 2020
Anticipated NOD: July 20, 2020
Anticipated start date: September 1, 2020
The Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship program provides highly-qualified doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows studying health services and policy research (HSPR), or related fields (e.g., public health, informatics, economics, nursing, artificial intelligence), with a unique opportunity to apply their research and analytic talents to critical challenges in health system and related organizations outside of the traditional university setting. These settings include public, private for-profit, not-for-profit, and Indigenous health organizations. In addition, it provides fellows with the opportunity to gain hands-on, professional experience, acquire new skills, and enlarge professional networks.
Who should apply?
This is the fourth launch of the HSI Fellowship program, which contains a stream for doctoral trainees and a stream for post-doctoral fellows
Stream A: a trainee who is enrolled full-time in a doctoral degree and studying HSPR or related fields for their doctoral training at Canadian CIHR eligible institution by the application deadline (please read the Funding Opportunity details).
Stream B: a trainee who has obtained their doctoral degree in HSPR or related fields no more than five years prior to the application deadline or who has completed their PhD requirements by the start date of the award (please read the Funding Opportunity details).
Duration, amount, and partnership requirements:
- The maximum amount per doctoral award is $50,000 per year for a maximum of 1 year. Of this:
- Stipend: $45,000
- Professional development training and research allowance: $5,000
- The maximum amount per post-doctoral award is $155,000 total for 2 years. Of this:
- Stipend: $70,000 per year
- Professional development training and research allowance: $7,500 per year
- CIHR, FRQS, MSFHR and Mitacs will contribute up to a maximum of 70% of the total award value and applicants must secure the remaining 30% of the award value in cash from the host partner organization
- The NBHRF and SHRF will commit the full 30% partner contribution or a portion of for applicants working with host partner organizations in their respective provinces (please read the Funding Opportunity for details, including eligibility)
How to find a host partner organization:
Please refer to the Host Partner Organization page for a list of organizations that have expressed interest in hosting doctoral trainees and/or post-doctoral fellows. The list is not exhaustive; applicants may also approach organizations that are not on the list.
Where can I learn more?
- Funding opportunity details: To view the full details of the funding opportunity, click here.
- FAQs about application and eligibility requirements, peer review and more
- Information webinar: Join a CIHR-IHSPR information webinar to learn more about the program and to answer your questions:
Wednesday January 15, 2020, 12:30pm – 1:30 pm EST- Webinar link: click here
Interested in hosting a fellow? To learn more about how to get involved as a host partner organization, contact Nida Shahid at CIHR-IHSPR at
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