Impact Fellowship Opportunity
The CIHR Institute of Population & Public Health is contributing funding towards four pools related to our strategic priority areas in the 2020 Health System Impact Fellowship call.
The Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship (for doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows) provides highly-qualified doctoral trainees and post-doctoral fellows with a unique opportunity to apply their research and analytic talents to critical health challenges that are being addressed by health system and related organizations (e.g., public, private for-profit, not-for-profit, and Indigenous health organizations that are not universities) outside of the traditional scholarly setting, and to also develop professional experience, new skills, and networks.
Application deadline: April 1, 2020
Anticipated NOD: July 20, 2020
Anticipated start date: September 1, 2020
Information Webinar: January 15, 2020 at 12:30 pm (EST)
To register for the webinar visit the webinar page.
IPPH General Pool
To be considered relevant for CIHR-IPPH funding, applications must align with the Institute’s mandate. $70,000 is available from CIHR-IPPH to fund 2 doctoral awards in any region that align with its strategic research priorities.
Equitable AI Pool
To be considered relevant for CIHR-IPPH funding in AI and Public Health stream, applications must align with IPPH’s Equitable AI initiative. The goal of this stream is to catalyze federal, provincial, and territorial public health agencies to work collectively in building capacity to use AI approaches for tackling real-world public health challenges. Please see the HSIF Host Partner Organization Linkage Tool to see participating public health agencies and their focused priority areas for research.
In order to allow for maximum flexibility in levels of career stage of potential applicants, there are two pools available: one for doctoral and another for post-doctoral trainees. Only four awards in total will be funded across both pools. For example, if IPPH receives 3 successful applications in the doctoral stage and 2 at the post-doctoral stage, the highest-ranked 4 applications will be funded across both pools.
- Doctoral in AI and Public Health 1-year: $140,000 is available to fund a maximum of 4 awards in any region that align with IPPH’s Equitable AI initiative focused on developing and/or applying AI approaches to public health challenges and where the trainee will be hosted at a provincial or federal public health agency.
- Post-Doctoral in AI and Public Health 2-year: $434,000 is available to fund a maximum of 4 awards in any region that align with IPPH’s Equitable AI initiative focused on developing and/or applying AI approaches to public health challenges and where the fellow will be hosted at a provincial or federal public health agency.
Healthy Cities Research Initiative Pool
IPPH is one of seven institutes collaborating on the Healthy Cities Research Initiative (HCRI). $217,000 is available from CIHR-HCRI to fund 2 post-doctoral awards in any region that align with the HCRI goals and objectives.
Who should apply?
Stream A (doctoral): a trainee who is enrolled full-time in a doctoral degree and studying HSPR or related fields for their doctoral training at Canadian CIHR eligible institution) and who has not previously held a HSI doctoral Fellowship award.
Stream B (post-doctoral): a trainee who has obtained their doctoral degree in a HSPR or related field* no more than five years prior to the application deadline or who has completed their PhD requirements by the start date of the award (September 1, 2019) and who has not previously held a HSI post-doctoral Fellowship award.
*Examples of HSPR or related fields include, but are not limited to, population health, health economics, health policy, artificial intelligence, public health, epidemiology, gerontology, data science, etc.
Duration, amount, and partnership requirements
The maximum amount per doctoral award is $50,000 per year for up to 1 year. Of this:
Stipend: $45,000
Professional development training and research allowance: $5,000
The maximum amount per post-doctoral award is $155,000 total for 2 years. Of this:
Stipend: $70,000 per year
Professional development training and research allowance: $7,500 per year
CIHR will contribute up to a maximum of 70% of the total award value (i.e., $35,000 of the $50,000 doctoral award, and $108,500 of the $155,000 post-doctoral award) and applicants must secure the remaining 30% of the award value in cash from the host partner organization (please read the Funding Opportunity for details, including Eligibility).
Linkage Tool
CIHR is providing a Host Partner Organization Linkage Tool to facilitate connections between applicants and organizations that have expressed interest in hosting doctoral trainees and/or post-doctoral fellows.
Please note that potential applicants are not required to use the linkage tool; applicants may also approach organizations that are not on the list. If you are an organization interested in hosting a fellow and would like to use this tool, please complete a short survey. The information you provide will appear in the linkage tool on a public CIHR web page.
Where can I learn more?
FAQs about application and eligibility requirements, peer review and more.
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